Cause and Effect in Metaphysics: Meaning, Relationship, Relevance, and Examples
What is the relationship between cause and effect in metaphysics? The concept of cause and effect is fundamental to our understanding of the world around us. It forms the basis of our scientific inquiry and our everyday experiences. But what does it really mean to say...
5 Effective Steps To Make Money All By Yourself
Being rich begins in the mind. You can make a huge money and become wealthy no matter your condition, location, qualification or skills. However, making some thousands of dollars seems to be difficult for some individuals. But, in the proper sense of an entrepreneur,...
The Philosophy of Gossip: Why Spreading Rumors Can Poison Your Mind and Relationships
We all know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of gossip—it's hurtful, disrespectful, and downright unpleasant. But have you ever stopped to consider the consequences of being the one who spreads rumors? What are the long-term effects of talking behind people's...
Third World and Dependency | Globalization and Free Trade
Third World and Dependency refers to the less developed countries and their dependency on the developed (First World) for advanced living. In order...
Yahoo and Yahoo Plus Business In Nigeria | Difference, Benefits, Updates
What is Yahoo Business? Yahoo and Yahoo plus (+) Business has been a common buzzword in Nigeria for years. It's an internet-based business where...
METAPHYSICS: Meaning, Origin, Concepts and Relevance to the Society
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of the nature of reality and the universe. It is concerned with understanding the...
The Notion of Abortion, Types, Effects & Damages Caused by Abortion
The term “Abortion” is derived from the Latin infinitive “aboriri” which means "to perish". Literally, it means the loss of foetal life. In general,...
10 Beautiful Ways To Prevent Cheating In A Relationship
Cheating occurs always in almost every relationship/marriage. In fact, it is more rampant between partners in a relationship than married couples....
How To Start-up Your Own Business Today | 7 Effective Steps
These are the 7 simple but effective ways to start and own your own business and succeed beyond limits.
A Lovely True Life Story Every Couple Must Read
Invest More Than You Squander I was thrilled with the special recognition at the get-together party I attended with the latest G-wagon. I...
7 Types Of Women Every Man Should Always Cherish In His Life
Every woman deserves to be cherished and pampered, but there are 7 particular types of women every man should always cherish and value in his life....
A Lawa A Hara : The Philosophy of Vanity of Uche Ogbuagu
Sometimes, just sometimes, it is good to remind people of things they already know. It is neither a waste of time nor a fruitless search; a wild...
The True Origin of Easter Celebration | Does the Bible Mention Easter?
Most people follow along as they have been taught, assuming that what they believe and do is right. They take their beliefs for granted. Most do not...
6 Major Reasons Why Descartes Rejected Empiricism
Descartes practically justifies his rejection of empiricism with a couple of claims and reasons. To embrace rationalism, Descartes strongly...
Descartes Rejection of Empiricism | Philosophy of Rene Descartes
It is almost impossible to discuss Descartes’ rejection of Empiricism without dealing with his subscription to Rationalism. So, in this discourse,...
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