8 Best Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence In One Week
Self-confidence is an intrinsic quality everybody wants to have. It's a psychological virtue that boosts your relationship and association with people 65% higher than normal. So, to become very successful in life, self-confidence is a sine qua non in everyday life,...
Descartes Rejection of Empiricism | Philosophy of Rene Descartes
It is almost impossible to discuss Descartes’ rejection of Empiricism without dealing with his subscription to Rationalism. So, in this discourse, there is also a focus on Descartes’ Rationalism as the major tool that grounds his rejection of Empiricism. Descartes'...
Stop Arresting Yahoo Boys, they are not the problem | 101 Valid Reasons
Nigeria is an African country, often referred to as 'the Giant of Africa', containing more than 200 million people by population. It has a cool...
The Notion of Justice in Philosophy — A Comprehensive Discourse
Justice in philosophy, is the concept of the proper proportion between a person’s deserts (what is merited) and the good and bad things that befall or are allotted to him or her.
For him (Aristotle), the key elements of justice is treating like cases alike, an idea that has set later thinkers the task of working out which similarities (need, desert, talent) are relevant.The concept of the justice is as old as the origin and growth of human society.
The Educational Implication of the Study of Ethics in Philosophy
In every philosophical quest, there must be a raw material to be rationalized, and in ethics the material is action. At present, ethics has an...
5 Major Reasons why Men Change in a Relationship/Marriage
Wondering about your man changing right away for no substantial reason? Thinking about what happened to the man you fell in love with? Does his change in nature bother you a lot? Are you…
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