The Notion, Definition, and Kinds of Justice in Political Philosophy
The issue of justice is perennial. In fact, it is as old as the existence of man as far as his relationship with one another is concerned. Moreover, it is a controversial issue, and so, different thinkers of different philosophical epochs have given it nuances of...
Meaning and Types of Euthanasia: Right to Die or denial of Right to Life
Euthanasia is broadly defined as a deliberate action to ends someone’s life usually to relieve suffering. Medical practitioners sometimes carry out Euthanasia at the request by patients who are in critical pain due to terminal illness.
18 Juicy Holiday Gifts for a Better Sex Life
There are many gifts in the world, but there are some gifts with great significance and value for a better sex life. In this enticing article, there...
3 Sex Secrets we keep from our Partners
Porn, Masturbation, and Faking Orgasm Do you know that most love partners do strange things when they are alone? Have you ever wondered if your love...
Adam Smith & Ayan Rand’s Free Market Economy: A Critical Comparison
In definition, a free-market economy is a system where individuals have the freedom to produce goods and services as demanded by the market system with little or no government control.
Local Government Revenue Generation: A Critical Assessment
Revenue generation of local government in Nigeria is principally derived from the statutory allocation “a direct share of the local government from the federation account and tax, a compulsory levy imposed by government on individuals and cooperate bodies for the various legitimate functions of the state.
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