Comprehensive Definitions of Freedom in Ethics | Notable Philosophers
The concept of Freedom is as old as the existence of man. It is a general term used in everyday activity mostly to express man's free will in making decisions and choices. But, freedom is a generic term that cuts across critical and rational discourses in philosophy, of ethics,...
How I Survived Corona Virus | True-Life Story
April 25, 2020, is a date I will never forget in a hurry for the strange scenario I experienced. I thought I was dreaming until I woke up that...
6 Natural Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a frustrating disease you don't want to have. It is super easy to prevent breast cancer than to cure it. This is because the ways...
8 Effective Conditions that Enhance Learning
Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. Learning is one of the most fundamental...
11 Important Factors that Destroy a Relationship/Marriage
Relationships can be very sweet, wonderful, and worth dying for. It is promising if it is flourishing. It makes the parties involved both happy and...
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