Letter to El – Rufai
Amazing letter to El-Rufai
Sir, your February 5th 2019 statement have been the talk of many. I for one, believe that the statement was misunderstood by many but your numerous outburst is certainly the cause. Before I continue, I will like to quote you.
“Those that are calling for everyone to come and intervene in Nigeria, we are waiting for the person that will come and intervene. They will go back in body bags. Because nobody will come to Nigeria and tell us how to run our country.
“We’ve got that independence and we are trying to run our country as decently as possible and we know the history of those countries that are trying to teach us these things; we have read their history. We also know that in their stages of development they went through these challenges.
“So, please, let’s work together; let’s advice one another but don’t lecture us.”
El-rufai as an observer in Ghana
It was a good move to have sent Samuel Aruwan your media aid to clear the air on the said issue of body bag.
Having said that, sir how would you feel if on 7th December 2016 a governor from a state in Ghana made same statement when you went to Ghana as an election observer or have you forgotten? Let me remind you that observer 3 was boldly written on your tag.
Sir in as much as you belong to UN, ECOWAS,Commonwealth and other bodies, observers will always come to observe you elections the way you observe others.
Did you Remember?
Sir,the most potent bulwark against foreign interference or intervention is to resist begging for and accepting aide from foreign governments to conduct elections. The US, the UK, and the EU have collectively sent millions of dollars for elections.The moment you take money from foreign governments for something as basic as conducting elections, you’ve already surrendered your sovereignty, and your patriotism.
Machinep Values your Visitation
Sir, as a country do you know that you have intervene in the matters of other nations as an ECOWAS member state. Do I remind you about our involvement in ECOMOG were we spent over 4 billion dollars and lost over 700 soldiers in Sierra Leone. – letter to El-Rufai –
Sir, I never heard you mention anything prior to the 2015 elections when America, UK and France supported your party and mounted pressure on the then president Good luck Ebele Jonathan on issues that is supposed to be left since we are a sovereign nation.
Do I remind you about the visit of the then Ambassador of the U.S, James Entwistle to Buhari who was then an opposition presidential candidate. I wonder what you would have said if anyone visits Atiku now the way they visited PMB in 2015.
Sir, I did not hear you condemn the presence of governors of Niger during APC presidential rally in Kano on January 31st . Or are governors of another country participating in democratic process not interference? Or was it okay because it was your party? Maybe your body bags would have had their bodies if they had come for PDP rally.
Before I continue, Sir I would like to remind you about what you said on December 5th 2018 during the one day event on SUMMIT TOWARDS peaceful 2019 General Election in Kaduna were you pointed out that anyone involved in hate speech will be brought to justice. Now I ask what we do to you?
Your resolve on December 5th was a surprise to me who know you as one who is sometimes guilty of hate speech however, I told myself that I have to trust you one last time but here I am writing to you because you disappointed me and cut that dream of seeing a new El-rufai short.
Sir, your comment on September 2017 to APC stakeholders meeting were you told political opponents that should they insist on fighting you, they would all die like the late President Umaru Musa Yar’adua did is alarming and I was wrong to think that I will see a new you.
Let me quote you “I had fought with two presidents,” he said. “Umaru Yar’Adua ended in his grave, while President Goodluck Jonathan ended in Otueke.”
SIR, many have argued that it doesn’t seem like anything or anyone can curb your dangerous populism and messianic disposition is sad that you always prove them right.
For instance, on 4th May 2018, during a rally at the Kaduna Township Stadium during the preparation for the state’s local government poll Sir,you used the opportunity to assassinate the characters of the state’s three senators, Senators Shehu Sani, Suleiman Hunkuyi and Danjuma Leah.
You accused them of blocking the states $350m loan request from the World Bank. My concern was the use of words like bastard on them haba that was too far. Let me quote you again.
“The senators from the state who worked against the World Bank loan are useless; they came out and said this loan should not be given. What is their reason for rejecting the loan?
It is because they are haters of the masses in Kaduna state. If a road project is initiated in your town, they don’t want it to be completed. If we start renovating a hospital, they don’t want it to be completed. If five schools are renovated and 10 are remaining, they will not want the remaining 10 to be renovated.
Today, there are no haters of the masses of Kaduna state like Shehu Sani, Suleiman Hunkuyi and Danjuma Laah, God will curse them. God will reward their wickedness against the masses. May God never bless them…Members of our state assembly who gave us their cooperation before the World Bank approved the loan to us, may God bless them and may God return them to their seats in 2019.
But those ones that are cursed, if they come to Kaduna, shave their heads and beard. They have shown that they are bastards, they have no origin, therefore, it is important to tell them that they did not originate from this state…Their major concern is to amass money at the expense of their people.
The electorate are at liberty to call their bluff, and this is the right time.” Nawa oooo. Such statement should not be credited to a governor of a state in a sane society.
The statement against Peter Obi and other numerous statements from you are too many to mention but I will like to conclude by telling you sir with due respect that it is part of democracy to disagree peacefully with friends as well as enemies and it is undemocratic to throw tantrums and hate speeches it is even worst to be coming from a governor.
I wish to drop my pen here hopefully the next time I will write to you it will be on a good note and for a good reason. Keep your body bags for the countries you are threatening have military powers more than you do.