Couple Hospitalized After the Man’s Head Gets Stuck In Her
-Man’s head gets stuck in her vagina –
A couple has been conveyed to the Hospital after the man accidentally sticks his head inside her vigina during a dangerous style of the act. The strange dangerous se*ual practice resulted to hospitalization of the couple.
The couple, Tom and Janis Morrison, who resides at the small town of Greensboro in Alabama, U.S, clamored for assistance and called 911 around 10:30 pm for an ambulance of rescue from the strange incident.
At first, the operator, Miss Irving Samantha, who received the call, did not believe the report as she thought it was a prank show put up by the couple; the report puts her off.
According to Samantha,
“The woman told me that her husband had fallen and that his head was now stuck in her vaginal cavity. I really thought that it was a group of teenagers making a prank call.”
In rescue, Samantha sent ambulance despite the vague, uncertain and doubtful state of the strange report. The report became clear when the paramedics arrive at the scene and confirm the validity of the report.
One of the paramedics who conveyed the naked couple, Dr. Bill Austin, reported that the couple were lying helplessly naked on the bed with drops of bloods, screaming in pains.
Bill’s Report;
“The woman kept screaming out in pain whenever the guy moved, but he had half of his face buried in there and he looked like he was going through Hell!”
The naked couple was separated with the help of doctors who work at the nearby Hale County Hospital. The incident caused severe internal bleeding to the woman, and a little scratches and bruises to the man.
The doctors warn that the affected couple is likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome in a short time.
Things to Know
This type of situation is rare to experience. According to Dr. Frank, who treated the couple in the hospital, such type of sexual game/act is highly dangerous and hence nobody should try it.