The Assistant Parish Priest of St Johns the Evangelist Catholic Church, Okpaugwu Abakaliki, Rev father Kenneth Nomeh, says those who play the ‘’BET 9JA soccer switch’’ should know that they are committing capital sin as warned against by the holy scriptures.
Bet 9ja is a sports prediction platform where people predict games and get paid if the predictions becomes successful.
Fr Nomeh who is also the priest in charge of ‘NSO NA AGHA’ Catholic Adoration Ministry explained that BET 9JA perfectly represents the gambling which Christians were warned against in the Scriptures.
He stated that according to the ‘Canon law’ gambling was a sin and since.
BET 9JA was a modified gambling it still attracts the same wrath as the ancient gambling no matter the name it goes by. Nomeh who preached on the topic; ‘’GOOD AND EVIL SEEDS’’ used some scriptural provisions in Ezekiel 17:22-24, Mark 4:26-34.
Among others to caution Christian youths to resist bad companionship which was capable of introducing them into evil seeds, and which was the shortest route towards obeying the devil in yielding to evil characters.
The Priest advised couples to abhor evil counsel and companion to resist the devil’s bad seeds, through broken homes.
He warns that as God was busy doing his best to sow the good seed in the lives of Christians, the devil was also determined on sowing the evil seed in them to rob them of their destined glory.
He therefore cautioned Christians to always be on guard as such evil seeds were usually sown in the secret and in fine disguise with the evil intentions to pull down God’s glory in humanity.